Monday, January 28, 2008

Motivation! Where is it?

Started 10k training today. Now any of you that have seen me are wondering how I'm getting 250 pounds to run a 10k. Well, I'm not. I'm walking it. We started on Saturday with just one mile walked. My lower back feels like someone gave me a few cracks across it with a baseball bat. It's completely stiff. Why am I surprised that I'm in such bad shape? I haven't exercised in the year since the last 10k.

2008 is here and I'm not motivated to do anything. This is the year that I really need to get my life together. I'm not in good physical shape- need to fix that. I'll at least be walking for the next 10 Saturdays! I'm overweight- joining WW again. If I'll just work the darn plan, I'll lose weight. The first time I was on it I lost 49 pounds. I've gained them back because I started eating too much again. It really is a life change- not a diet. I want to work on my mental health too- too much stress does not a good Squeeze make. This is the year that I'm taking stock of my life and making changes as needed. I can't live with so much stress for another year. We'll see what happens- got to keep motivated!

Had a very lazy weekend. We were supposed to clean the house on Sunday but ended up watching two Godfather movies and several "First 48" before ending with the crapfest that was Pirates of the Caribbean III. It was so bad. A huge waste of time for everyone involved. Charlie loved all the movies through. He snuggled with Matt and then with me. He slept through POCIII which is what the rest of us should've done. He is such a source of joy right now. Not sure if Toonces is feeling left out because we have made efforts to make sure we love on him too. He peed on a pile of clothes last night right in front of us. Don't know what that was about. It was only two pairs of socks that he got but I'm puzzled as to why he did that right in front of us. That sent Matt off into much unhappiness. That did motivate me to fold up two baskets of clean clothes and sort the rest into piles. Funny things that motivate you.

Anyway, this is a rambling blog today.

Let me remind you again to be kind to your fellow man today and any creatures that you encounter. Animals need our attention too. Peace!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

90% of what you worry about doesn't happen.

I really should remember that 90% of what you worry about never happens. Just a thought for today. It's been a good day. Another lesson that I know but forget to do is that sometimes email just doesn't cut it. I'm a firm believer that a lot of the time, it's best to look folks straight in the eye and discuss matters than continue to sit in your cubicle and fire off emails and be pissed off.

So take the time to worry less, talk to your fellow man more and don't get trapped in your cubicle.

Hollywood is treating me pretty well today. Sure miss South Hominy some days though. I miss Sunday breakfasts, fresh food from the garden, new calfs tearing across the pasture, eggs in the hen's nest, the view of the mountains, driving up in the mountains with a loaf of french bread, a stick of summer sausage and some good cheese to nosh on, the sour cherry tree and the grape arbor. Lots of food in it any wonder why I'm 245 lbs?

Let the ills done to you in the past go so they won't eat you alive. Truly forgive and forget without having to punish. Punishment only comes back to you two fold.

Go out of your way to be nice to someone today. Pick the person that irks you the most and be kind to them for one moment. It makes me feel better.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's Just Business?

I've heard a million times and I've even said to others, "It's just business". It's hard for me as I'm sure it's hard for a lot of people to fight for something they don't believe in. Even so, I've gotten through mentally by telling myself, it's just business. I'm beginning to question whether it's worth it in life to continue to have to keep convincing myself that I don't need to worry about things that bug me- to have a work compartment and then a personal compartment that I operate out of as separate entities.

I've been asked at work to present an idea that is in such poor taste that it made me question if I really want to do a job that requires me to do this. I understand the concept and I get that it needs something to really grab the attention. Still, this idea is just a horrible one. But, I did my research, had all my back up, did a run through mentally of what I would say to the agent to pitch this idea and pitched it like it was the most spectacular idea of the century. It really would've gotten your attention. He was so polite but firmly told me what I knew and what I've been telling folks all along- there's no way these celebs would agree to be in this spot. No matter what cause, no matter how much money, no matter who called them personally. Against my best judgement, I tried to sell this idea like I've never sold something. I tried every angle- every angle! I made our case and was rejected.

Now the powers that be here are questioning if I did everything I could to get this to happen. Continually, that's the position I'm put in from the start. There's no chance in hell this will happen but if you don't make it happen, your not doing your job. And everyone else could do it better because you just don't know how to make it happen. No one sees how short-sided things are either that maybe this works for the short run but it ruins our reputation in the long run.

I guess it's just business. I did my best in trying to sell the idea. They all don't go as we hope. At the end of the day, I have to live with all my decisions. Today, I'm OK because I did my best.

But starting "Cupcakes & Coffee" - my dream business, is looking better and better. Bad taste in cupcakes can be adjusted with different ingredients!!

Today- go get yourself a little treat from your local bakery and support someone's dream. And be nice to your fellow man and animal!