Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mike Wieringo- 2nd year anniversary

I know you've seen this picture a million times. But it's such a good one I had to use it again. It's been two years today since Mike Wieringo, my brother in law, died suddenly.

I miss seeing the two Wieringo boys together laughing. I miss walking into Heroes Con and looking around to find Mike's table. I miss Mike walking into our house at Thanksgiving- I always waiting until eveyrone else had a chance to say "Hello" and then I got a big hug in the kitchen. I miss the Momma Shirley having to make two or three batches of her no-bake oatmeal chocolate peanut butter cookies so the boys would have enough. I think they probably ate 50 cookies or more each over the weekend.

I'm thankful to have great memories. I'm thankful that we have sweet Charlie Stephen Barlow (Wieringo). I'm so grateful that Mike had Charlie to keep him company. I'm thankful for that one time I found Mike on iChat and we all had a video chat which was so funny- I was on my lap top so I took it over so he could see Toonces. He ran over to get Charlie and brought him back and of course made Charlie do some funny dance which Charlie took with a look of loving "I can't believe you're doing this to me daddy- but whatever" on his face. Here's Charlie today in our dining room window. He's adapted so well- what a little trooper.

I am grateful that I have gotten to meet a lot of Mike's friends that I did not know and have gotten to know them better. Thank you all for making us feel like you've known us forever too.
I'm thankful that we got the Mike Wieringo Scholarship Fund set up at SCAD that will be given yearly forever.

Miss you Mike. We will never forget you. You will always be missed.