Tuesday, January 15, 2008

90% of what you worry about doesn't happen.

I really should remember that 90% of what you worry about never happens. Just a thought for today. It's been a good day. Another lesson that I know but forget to do is that sometimes email just doesn't cut it. I'm a firm believer that a lot of the time, it's best to look folks straight in the eye and discuss matters than continue to sit in your cubicle and fire off emails and be pissed off.

So take the time to worry less, talk to your fellow man more and don't get trapped in your cubicle.

Hollywood is treating me pretty well today. Sure miss South Hominy some days though. I miss Sunday breakfasts, fresh food from the garden, new calfs tearing across the pasture, eggs in the hen's nest, the view of the mountains, driving up in the mountains with a loaf of french bread, a stick of summer sausage and some good cheese to nosh on, the sour cherry tree and the grape arbor. Lots of food in there...........it it any wonder why I'm 245 lbs?

Let the ills done to you in the past go so they won't eat you alive. Truly forgive and forget without having to punish. Punishment only comes back to you two fold.

Go out of your way to be nice to someone today. Pick the person that irks you the most and be kind to them for one moment. It makes me feel better.


renecarol said...

I hope that since things are better today that the issues from last week are resolved.

Squeeze said...

Thank you Rene. Hope you are well. Thought of you today. My sister is taking my niece to ice skating lessons now. My niece LOVES it. She used her own money to buy her first pair of skates and is very proud of them.

renecarol said...

Have you seen the videos of my daughter skating on youtube? I've been thinking a lot lately about trying to get my niece (my sister's granddaughter) into ice skating. She is 2 1/2. There is so much I know about this sport now that I didn't know when Lexie was that age. I wish somebody could benefit from all that trial and error. I could teach her everything that Lexie learned in her first 2 years of skating without her even having to take lessons with a coach. Granted it would take 2 years for her to learn it but it'd save a lot of money. You learn teaching techniques when you watch it so much. And then I think I wouldn't wish this sport on anyone. The competitive aspects of it. Just skating for fun is a whole other thing.
I'm glad your niece is loving it. What kind of skates did she get? My daughter and I wear Jacksons. I hate the Reidells. My daughter wore Reidells for about 2 years - just because that is what a lot of the rinks tend to push. Awe - and for my niece - Jackson has a pair of pink rec skates with velcro grips for easy closing. As a skating mom I prefer rec skates on kids at skating levels up thru learning to jump - Lexie didn't start jumping until 5. They are adorable. I told Lexie one day I was thinking of them for CJ and she said I never got pink skates. I'm sorry I always write so much in your blog.

Matt Wieringo said...

I went ice skating once. Only I was wearing cowboy boots and walking to the bus stop at the time. Not fun. Not fun.

renecarol said...

Well cowboy boots aren't made for ice skating. You need proper fitting figure skates, hockey skates or rec skates to ice skate:) Or racing skates but they're ugly.

Squeeze said...


I did see your video of your duaghter skating. How old is she? She's quite the good little skater. She really was amazing.

Don't know what kind my niece purchased but I'll pass along the info to my sister about your skate recommendations as I'm sure there will be many pairs of skates in her future. Evidently my niece learned to skate backward by the 3rd lesson. Amazing!

I went skating once about 8 years ago and on my last lap around the rink both skates went in opposite directions and I went down hard on my knee. The side of my knee looked like the combination of a Jackson Pollak painting and rotten steak. Took me 2 months to recover.

renecarol said...

She is 7 will be 8 in about 6 weeks. So she's pretty much done skating in the 7 & under (Tots) category. The next age limit will be 12 & under for pre-juvenile. I uploaded the video from the Christmas competition last week (probably after you saw it unless you happened to see it on the blog). And I'm going to try to video her practicing "Getcha Head in the Game" tomorrow. It'll be her first time skating the program with the basketball. Hopefully I won't wait too long to upload that one provided my camera cooperates and lets me video her.