Friday, February 15, 2008

Travel, Work and Looking Back

Got to travel to NYC this week for a conference which I enjoyed very much. We are lucky to have some great vendors who take good care of me when I'm up there so I did not have to buy a meal. It was beautiful on Tuesday night- walked 14 blocks through the beautiful snow in NYC to a great restaurant for a great meal. We hardly get any snow here in Richmond anymore so I really enjoyed being out in the snow- especially in NYC. Turned out that the restaurant was Becco- same one that Matt and I ate at before we went to the Hugh Jackman play on our first trip to NYC a few years ago. Great food and plenty of wine and great company. I spoke to one of the attorney's for BOA who expressed his love of one of our ad campaigns. I was really proud!

Feb. 12 marked that it's been six months since my brother in law died. I was in NYC and away from Matt which was not what I wanted. Luckily, his good buddy Leaf came over for a visit so Matt did have to raise a shot of Glenfiddach alone. (Wrong spelling I'm sure but you get the point)
Folks keep telling me that it gets easier with time but for me it's only worse. My heart breaks for Matt each and every day. I'm pissed off each day because Mike didn't deserve to die so young. I'm mad at myself for not talking to Mike more or getting down there to visit him. We had not been to his house since 2005 and can not find a reason why we didn't go visit- except that as everyone knows, deadlines were always on his mind so we didn't want to impose. Which seems so stupid and ignorant now. Matt misses him so much and so do I. I'm mad at myself for not making the time. I'm mad at the world because it's not a better place without Mike. My heart just breaks for Shirley and Cecil too. I just can't imagine how it will ever get easier. Ever. I worry every day whether or not I'm doing right by Charlie. He's been so good to us. Such a sweetie and with so much personality. We really try to make sure that we give him extra hugs and kisses and belly rubs. I just feel bad that there's no one at home with him each day like he was used to. He gets to hang out with Toonces all day but I think they just end up sleeping mostly. Just to cope with the lose of Mike, I pretend with Charlie that Mike comes to the house to play with him during the day. Each day when I get home I ask him if he had a good time playing with his Daddy. For some reason, this make me feel better, because if Mike's spirit is still around with us, he would do everything he could to be with Charlie.

Last night as Matt and I were eating our dinner, Toonces decided to stalk Charlie and they chased each other for a long time. Toonces chased Charlie around the house several times. Charlie likes to sneak up the side of the stairs and wait for Toonces and then chase him off into another room. They were really having a log of fun. It was the perfect night because for one hour, we were all happy.

If you're ever in NYU, I recommend you walk in the snow to Becco to eat. If you're ever in Richmond, I invite you to stop in and see our two kitties.

Be kind to your fellow man and the animals we love. Remember Mike. We love him so much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Squeeze! Glad to hear that Charlie and Toonces continue to tolerate each other, and perhaps, have even become friends.

Know what you mean about walking in NYC in the snow... Its really a cool experience (no pun intended) until the second or third day after, when it starts getting all black and dingy.
