Tuesday, April 22, 2008

End of the Road

This is the end of my blogging for awhile. I've decided that I don't have anything that interesting to say that's not depressing. I think I'm going to go back to the old fashioned diary where I can write away and burn it if I want.

All the work issues and the feeling surrounding my brother in law's death just don't seem to fit on a public blog.

I thank Renee (my only reader!) for all your comments which have made me feel better. Thank you so very much!

One day I'll appear on here again with fun stories of my dealings with Hollywood or something else fun. I may start posting cakes I've made and decorated - cake decorating always made me happy.

Keep your chin up and be kind to your fellow man and especially to animals.



renecarol said...

I'm sure I'm not the only one reading:) I think (with any blogs) people read them but don't really know what to say. I tend to post more on other people's blogs now that I have one myself. It seems fair.

I go through rough patches with missing Mike where its worse than other times. Knowing that other people miss him too makes me feel a little less crazy. or lost.

Casey Jones said...

Jeez, that's the whole reason I started a blog! : ) Even if it's just for a few people... it helps to let it out. Things just seemed to get darker and darker since last August... finally talking about it is helping a bit. Blogs don't have to be entertaining -- for me, it's more of a support group.