Monday, January 28, 2008

Motivation! Where is it?

Started 10k training today. Now any of you that have seen me are wondering how I'm getting 250 pounds to run a 10k. Well, I'm not. I'm walking it. We started on Saturday with just one mile walked. My lower back feels like someone gave me a few cracks across it with a baseball bat. It's completely stiff. Why am I surprised that I'm in such bad shape? I haven't exercised in the year since the last 10k.

2008 is here and I'm not motivated to do anything. This is the year that I really need to get my life together. I'm not in good physical shape- need to fix that. I'll at least be walking for the next 10 Saturdays! I'm overweight- joining WW again. If I'll just work the darn plan, I'll lose weight. The first time I was on it I lost 49 pounds. I've gained them back because I started eating too much again. It really is a life change- not a diet. I want to work on my mental health too- too much stress does not a good Squeeze make. This is the year that I'm taking stock of my life and making changes as needed. I can't live with so much stress for another year. We'll see what happens- got to keep motivated!

Had a very lazy weekend. We were supposed to clean the house on Sunday but ended up watching two Godfather movies and several "First 48" before ending with the crapfest that was Pirates of the Caribbean III. It was so bad. A huge waste of time for everyone involved. Charlie loved all the movies through. He snuggled with Matt and then with me. He slept through POCIII which is what the rest of us should've done. He is such a source of joy right now. Not sure if Toonces is feeling left out because we have made efforts to make sure we love on him too. He peed on a pile of clothes last night right in front of us. Don't know what that was about. It was only two pairs of socks that he got but I'm puzzled as to why he did that right in front of us. That sent Matt off into much unhappiness. That did motivate me to fold up two baskets of clean clothes and sort the rest into piles. Funny things that motivate you.

Anyway, this is a rambling blog today.

Let me remind you again to be kind to your fellow man today and any creatures that you encounter. Animals need our attention too. Peace!


renecarol said...

My lower back hurts when I skate for a long time - probably bad form. Where I used to work we had a group that ran at lunch. I ran 5-6 miles almost everyday and then lifted weights after work almost everyday. Back then I was doing 5Ks and 10ks regularly. My 10k time was 56 minutes and my 5k was around 27 minutes. (compared to in HS I ran 21:50 5K and 6:01 mile lifetime PR's) but we get older and slower such is life. I hate that I got out of running. It was really good for me. I wish that I could get back into it. I ran in a 5k back in the Fall for work. (around 12 minute miles - pathetic) but I thought I was going stick with the running and get my times back down. But I've barely ran since. Its hard since I don't have people to motivate me.
Good luck with your 10k. Maybe your group can keep up the motivation past your deadline this year?

Squeeze said...

Rene- Yes, I'm hoping to keep walking once the 10k is over. We signed up for another 10k about a month after the UKROP's 10k last year that's held in Ashland. It's a nice little race along the railroad tracks. I'd like to continue to keep doing 10k's but it's hard to find the ones that allow walkers.

I have found that every little bit of exercise you can do helps though. Even just walking a few extra times to the copier or up and down a floor seems to help me.

Jennifer Johnson said...

Yep! Right in the same boat, sissy. Last year, I was running like crazy and loving it. I quit once summer got here and the kids and hubby were sleeping in...didn't seem fair that I had to get out there at 5:30AM. Funny what we think is fair/not fair. I think signing up for one race after another is a great idea. Don't just sign up for 10Ks. Most 5Ks allow walkers, and that's 3.1 miles...nothing to shake a stick at! Maybe we can motivate each other. My iPod is motivating me right least I have music and don't have to carry around my CD player.

renecarol said...

Has it been 10 Saturdays yet? Its got to be getting close. How is your 10K walk training going?