Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Drama Queens

Funny how you would think that Hollywood is full of drama queens. On this trip, I've met nothing but incredibly nice and good folks. Although referring to people as 'folks' seems to trip up folks out here- they don't quite get it. Folks will always be folks to me.

I'm struggling this trip with too many cooks in the kitchen. Out in Hollywood, there are two speeds- dead stop and full steam ahead. That's the way it seems that deals are done here, either full steam ahead or no word from anyone. It's funny to be charged with 'push for an answer, .......but not to hard', or 'we need an answer today........but only if it's the answer we want'. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that everything turns out in the end.

Also everyone asks me if I'm enjoying my trip- NO!!! Being on the road this time has not been fun in the least. But I'll sacrifice fun for great spots, which we are getting. Hooray for commercials.

Call time's almost here. I'm working to get one last deal from full stop to full speed ahead........without pushing too hard............;-)

Hope everyone has a great day. Think about someone else's needs today and help them out. Say a kind word to someone who needs it- who may not be your friend.

Or translated.........don't be an asshole today.

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