Friday, October 19, 2007

Rough Cuts look great

While the trip out to LA was hard, I saw the rough cuts today and maybe it was all worth it. They look great. Hopefully this will be another round of commercials that everyone will talk about. No matter what you do, some folks love 'em and some folks hate 'em. These I can be proud of. Not everything we do at our advertising agency is great. These are and I'm happy to be a part of them. My last deal continues to unravel so that puts a damper on the whole campaign. That's unfortunate.

Otherwise, I'm at a crossroads in my life now. Wondering if working 9-9 5 days a week is worth it. Seems like I'm always at work. So I'm torn between feeling lucky I have a job but also feeling like all I do is work and my life is passing me by. I guess that's a struggle that millions of Americans have. Some don't have a choice but to work two jobs to just make ends meet. But at the end of the day, I see my parents about 4 times a year and my sister and her family about the same. I have Aunts that live a state away that I haven't seen in 8 or so years. I have an 80+ year old Grandmother who I've only visited twice in the last 6 months. Seems like the regrets are piling up. Decisions to make..........

I'm lucky to have a great husband that I get to spend every day with. Girls, there are great guys out there. You just have to look and decide not to play games. He's the best ever and the best thing I ever did was marry him. The thought of him always makes me smile.

Blogs are interesting aren't they? I've looked back at my first three blog posts and I keep wondering what I was thinking when I wrote them. Ha!

Have a great day! Love somebody today. Help someone out today. Make time for your loved ones today. Make a donation to your favorite charity today. They'll take $5!




craig rousseau said...

sorry to hear the last deal fell though on the campaign... but glad the rough cuts are looking great.

and we both know there's certainly something to be said for "stopping to smell the roses", as they say...

and you're right, that guy of yours is awfully swell (he says in a totally hetero way)


renecarol said...

I hope you are planning to keep blogging. As far as your hours at work - as long as you are enjoying what you are doing then I think that is what is important. Though since Mike died I've been making more of an effort to spend time with my family. I went to see my aunt yesterday who I haven't been to see in years (she only lives about 45 minutes away). And I've been calling and visiting my brother more in these last couple of months than I have in the last couple of years. And that's only going to get worse since my sil is expecting and I'm excited about being an aunt again.

craig rousseau said...

hey, lady! been getting a kick outta the new commercials!
every time one comes on, i actaully watch'm instead of jumping past with the tivo...

so, when we gonna get an update? maybe even a picture of "the kids"?

Squeeze said...

Didn't know that anyone was paying attention to my little blog here. Need to post kittie pictures. Toonces and Charlie were actually curled up on our bed together the other day- watching Legion of Superheroes no less!! How funny is that?